or, "Narcissism in Academic Form"
Hey guys, today I'm asking you, my humble audience, to take part in a small experiment. I realized in the past through the avenues of Facebook, Twitter and my various attempts at blogging, that I've shared a lot of inania about myself. So I devised an unscientific survey to sort of test my friends and acquaintances about ME! It's totally self-serving but I'm curious to see what information comes across these social media. Do people retain the random bursts of info we share? Are somethings more associated with me than others?
This quiz is based around my interests in geek film, comics and TV shows. It's all generally test "What's Brian's favorite X, Y or Z" but this is a first foray into doing more substantive research into the subject. So please, indulge me and take my quiz! You'll be supporting science! http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/KMWNRXQ
Launchpad - Astronomy Camp for Writers
9 years ago